Welcoming the new academic year, the UPY PGSD Study Program carries out curriculum updates together with stakeholders. 11 November 2022 became a historic day for the PGSD Study Program . The reason is that at this moment the study program is together with the Indonesian PGSD Lecturers Association, DIKPORA Special Region of Yogyakarta, DIKPORA Bantul, Elementary school principals discuss the best curriculum for PGSD UPY which correlates with current developments.

Resource person for the MBKM-based Curriculum Draft Review Workshop activity, PGSD study program, PGRI University, Yogyakarta, Regional Chair 1 Association of Indonesian PGSD Lecturers (HDPGSDI) Dr. Wahyudi, M.Pd., MCE. Head of the DIY Education and Youth Service, Mr. Wardaya, S.E.,M.Pd. Head of the Bantul Regency Education and Youth Service, Isdarmoko, M.Pd., M.Par.

The UPY Partners participated in the Primary School Teacher Education Study Program Review Draft Curriculum Workshop activity (PGSD UNY, PGSD UAD), School principals as graduate users, as many PGSD lecturers and UPY PGSD Alumni 24 people.

With the PKKM Program activities Curriculum Draft Review Workshop MBKM is able to perfect the curriculum used by PGSD PGRI University Yogyakarta, and can be adopted by several study programs at PGRI Yogyakarta University by looking at the CPL characteristics of each study program.. With these activities, diharapkan dapat mengembangkan CPL mahasiswa berbasis MBKM serta menambah pemahaman dan keterampilan dari para akademisi dalam reconstructing the MBKM-based higher education curriculum so that it can synergize with the development of the needs of the very dynamic world of work.