Kunjungan dan Joint Seminar Universitas Setia Budhi Rangkasbitung
Hari ini prodi pgsd UPY menerima Kunjungan dari kampus Lebak Banten yaitu Universitas Setia Budhi . Monday, 10 Juni 2024 Bersama ratusan mahasiswanya , Universitas
Hari ini prodi pgsd UPY menerima Kunjungan dari kampus Lebak Banten yaitu Universitas Setia Budhi . Monday, 10 Juni 2024 Bersama ratusan mahasiswanya , Universitas
Two , new PGSD UPY student friends 2023. Welcoming the presence of new PGSD UPY family friends 2023 , The study program has scheduled a special program for you with lectures
After the Covid pandemic ended, the PGSD study program finally returned to the KKL agenda again. 10 PGSD Bus Departs for Malang starting time 22.00 towards Batu Balang, Surabaya and
Welcoming the new academic year, the UPY PGSD Study Program carries out curriculum updates together with stakeholders. 11 November 2022 became a historic day for the PGSD Study Program . The reason is
Congratulations and Success to Dr. Wahyu Kurniawati, M.Pd lecturer in the PGSD study program at PGRI Yogyakarta University for Achieving a Doctoral Degree (S3)Hopefully you can apply your knowledge for progress
For PGSD students who have not yet taken their alma mater jacket, please check the information below
"In Ngarsa is an example, In the middle of building, Tut place Handayani"
Ki Hajar Dewantara